Sunday, February 25, 2007

Wild Game and Tame Supper

Don't forget about our 13th Annual Wild Game and Tame Supper coming up THIS SATURDAY at 6:30 in the Family Life Center!!!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Church-wide Visitation STARTING SOON!

Beginning on Monday, March 5th, we will reinstitute our church-wide visitation, and YOU ARE INVITED! On the first and third Monday of every month, we will gather and visit those who visit our church. If this is something you feel led to do, be there on Mar. 5 at 6:45 in the Fellowship Hall.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Missional or Maintenance?

Which will it be? Are we a missional church, or are we just maintaining the status quo? Another way to ask this question is this: Are we focused on ourselves (internally) OR are we focused on our community and world (externally)? Where do you suppose Christ wants us to focus?

One of the great traps Satan sets for churches is the maintenance trap. When we get so caught up in what is going on internally, focused on the color of the carpet more than the lost and dying outside the walls of the church, our focus is EXACTLY where Satan wants it. If we are too worried about the technical details, we are missing the big picture of the kingdom of God. Now, the technical details ARE important, but sometimes we think we need to deal with them instead of allowing God to do His job. This is dangerous . . . God does not need us to do His job. He needs us to do OUR JOBS.

How can we help this problem? First, decide in YOUR HEART which YOU will be and be true to it. And, honestly, you need to ask God what He desires for you. This is not a decision we should make . . . Again, allow God to do His job. He will not lead you astray. Second, stand up for Him and His will. When the time is right, He will let you know.