Saturday, January 6, 2007

Financial Report 2006, part 1

There is a real victory in all of this I need to share. The financial report is not quite closed yet, but here are some numbers that are pretty solid, and I wanted to share them with you:

Budget Offering Needed this year $929,970.49
Budget Offering GIVEN this year $965,267.58

That is $35,000 OVER what was needed this past year. When I think about the fact that we were right at $35k UNDER last year and we stepped out on faith and increased the budget anyway, that is pretty awesome.

The total budget was $950,282, and we have spent ~ $852,000 (that is the part that is not closed yet, but it is pretty close). In the end, we will have come in very close to $100,000 under budget in SPENDING.

All of this is GOOD!!

Now, we did have 53 Sundays this year (which happens every once in a while), but that does not dilute the fact that we gave $811,000 last year and $965,000 this year, a difference of ~$154,000!!! We gave that much more this year!

And NONE OF THIS includes the Habitat House, Honduras offerings, or any other extra offering project!

That is a reason to celebrate!