Monday, January 22, 2007

A matter of Vision

I have been often asked and even sometimes criticized for not communicating "My Vision" for Ebenezer Baptist Church. I know that without vision, people perish. I know vision is key in moving people toward a goal, and if we have no goal we will move along aimlessly . . . If you aim at nothing, you will hit it EVERY TIME.

However, I have a little trouble with the idea that I need to communicate MY VISION. I am imperfect . . . I make mistakes. For years I have worked at trying to remove myself from this process and give it totally to God. I still believe that is the right thing to do. This might seem like a game of semantics, but God clearly has put something out there for us and every church. Why reinvent the wheel??

Therefore, I choose to communicate what I believe to be God's Vision for Ebenezer. If you have been in morning worship the last two weeks, how could you have missed it?? And, if you were not there, cheer up . . . I have ONE more sermon to complete the concept!

In a nutshell, I believe God's vision for Ebenezer to be:

1. That EACH ONE OF US Loves God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. With everything that we are.

2. That EACH ONE OF US Loves our neighbor as much as we love ourself. And who is our neighbor?? ANYONE on this planet (I guess we will cross the planetary bridge if it ever becomes necessary).

3. That EACH ONE OF US Obeys God and Serves Him.

Is that simple enough?? Then, let's do it!!